Google Tilt Brush - creating new design in the virtual world

Virtual reality meets art

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The Amsterdam VR Company has very warm feelings for art and creativity: we know how difficult it is to start with a blank sheet and to create something completely new. Creativity, originality, the urge to create something new … every day it delivers us progress and inspiration.

Google Tilt Brush: virtual reality meets art

The Google Tilt Brush is a digital paint brush for the virtual reality world. It’s possible to create life size, three-dimensional drawings. For artists, digital and fashion designers this delivers great new possibilities. They can ‘paint’ with fabrics such as denim, silk, cotton and leather. Also, various effects like fire, snow and stars are possible. Beautiful tools for digital artists to create inspiring new things.

Link Google Tilt Brush: link
Link YouTube video: link

Google Tilt Brush - inspiring designers to design new things
Google Tilt Brush is like a virtual paint brush, which gives designers many new possibilities
Google Tilt Brush - for fashion designers
Fashion designers are able to work in a new virtual way and can unleash theirs creativity in a virtual, 3D world
Google Tilt Brush - the digital paint brush for the virtual world
Google Tilt Brush – the digital paint brush for the virtual world

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